Update: Upcoming Atheist/Humanist conference in PA

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I have previously mentioned that I will be speaking at an upcoming atheist conference in the Harrisburg, PA area. I am honored to be included in the list of speakers for this conference and am very excited to meet with new and old friends. This conference is quite special to me — and hopefully for others in Pennsylvania — because it is a first of its kind, at least that I am aware of, in the Central Pennsylvania area. This conference should be accessible and appealing to persons in the tri-state area and especially in Northeastern, Central, and Southern Pennsylvania  More details on this conference are to come.

Information pertaining to this conference has been released on PA Nonbelievers’ website:

It’s my pleasure to announce that we will, in conjunction with other area organizations, be having a state convention at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrisburg, PA on September 28-30, 2012. I’ll have more details coming soon, but what we really could use is an idea of the attendance we can expect.

It’s our expectation that a general admission ticket will be $50, but we are not quite ready for ticket sales yet. We have arranged a group rate for rooms at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, but there’s a limited number of rooms, so PLEASE, reserve your space early if you will be staying in the hotel. If you are interested in helping us out physically, or financially, we could use that as well.

If you would like to donate additional funds to help turn this into a fantastic convention, please donate on our website sidebar on the right. I will be making a convention website over the next week or so to sell tickets for the convention itself. In the meantime, we would love to have donations to help us with the convention directly, and there is a drop down on the right side of our website that will allow you to signify that your donation is to help support the convention. Please Note: We are a 501(c)3 organization, and donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

We have already confirmed Dan Barker, Dave Silverman, Herb Silverman, Sharon Hill and Justin Vacula. We are also working on other speakers, I will be able to announce some more over the next few weeks. The more donations we have, the more and better speakers we can have.

I suggest you also reserve a room on Friday night – If there’s enough preregistrations, we will also have a small reception that night. The primary events will be on Saturday and Sunday.

Crowne Plaza Harrisburg
23 South 2nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 234-5021       

When you call, mention that you are part of the PA State Atheist/Humanist Conference, and the room rate should be $105/night.

If you have any questions at all, please contact us.

Brian Fields
PA Nonbelievers

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