Recorded Video – Debate: Does the Christian god exist? Rev. Marcelle Dotson vs. Justin Vacula

1 minute, 18 seconds Read

I debated Rev. Marcelle Dotson of Field of Grace United Methodist Church in Wilkes-Barre on the topic of “Does the Christian god exist?” on December 19, 2011.

The debate was recorded live from “Jason International Studios” in Mountain Top, PA.

The debate is now available as a recorded version for your viewing pleasure. A audio-only podcast is also available. Visit the NEPA Freethought Society’s Podcast page here.

Feel free to comment below, send me e-mail, etc. I’d love to hear from you.

Rev. Dotson’s e-mail is


Justin Vacula — co-organizer, spokesperson, and board member of the NEPA Freethought Society — graduated from King’s College with degrees in Philosophy and Psychology, a distinguished award in Philosophy, and a minor in Professional Writing. He regularly publishes articles for as the ‘Scranton Atheism Examiner,’ writes for American Atheists’ “No God Blog,” and publishes posts about “atheism, theism, philosophy, and much more” on his blog at The NEPA Freethought Society’s website can be found at

Rev. Marcelle Dotson, pastor of Field of Grace Community of Faith United Methodist Church holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Smith College, a Master’s of Divinity degree in Theology from Drew University, and a Master of Business Administration from Simmons School of Management. She served as an associate pastor in Manchester and had served the United Methodist Church in Maine. She came to Wilkes-Barre in 2009 to start Field of Grace. United Methodist Church. The website for her church can be found at

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