Marywood University sponsored event now includes male students

Following a simple polite e-mail I authored, an event sponsored by Marywood University which specifically excluded male students is now inclusive. Two days ago, I received an e-mail addressed to Marywood University’s Mental Health Counseling students — of which, I am one — containing an invitation for a school-sponsored volunteer opportunity. The e-mail invited students […]

Dr. Bradley Janey talks men’s issues at #PCAC

Dr. Bradley Janey — Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling at Marywood University and past-president of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association — talks with Justin Vacula at the 2013 Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference (#PCAC) concerning issues facing men, gender, male friendship [and the corresponding panel at the conference], and feminism.

Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference reporting

I will be travelling to attend the 2013 November 8-10 Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference in State College, Pennsylvania with fellow Marywood University students to advance my graduate-level academic pursuits and report via Twitter, Facebook, and Brave Hero Radio on my trusty laptop. Stay tuned this Friday through Sunday to my Twitter account for live-tweeting of […]

Justin Vacula speaks atheism to Marywood students

I was recently invited to record a speech concerning atheism for Intro to Religion students attending Marywood University. Here is the video and rough transcript of that speech. I would have attended in person, but was unable to do so due to the early time of the classes and my work schedule. Students can still […]

Upcoming speech for Intro to Religion students

I will soon be speaking to students enrolled in Intro to Religion courses at a local Catholic university — Marywood University — which I also happen to attend. Rather than appearing before multiple classes in-person, I will upload a 30-minute recording with a corresponding transcript on which will allow for students to ask me […]