Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference reporting

1 minute, 40 seconds Read

946966_10151445495519327_263549615_nI will be travelling to attend the 2013 November 8-10 Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference in State College, Pennsylvania with fellow Marywood University students to advance my graduate-level academic pursuits and report via Twitter, Facebook, and Brave Hero Radio on my trusty laptop.

Stay tuned this Friday through Sunday to my Twitter account for live-tweeting of the event with #PCAC, Facebook for updates and photos, and a one hour Saturday 8PM Eastern episode of Brave Hero Radio. I hope to focus on discussion of religion, religious belief, and atheism in relation to counseling – especially drawing on content presented at the conference.

Unfortunately, these events come with a cost. In the past, I have relied on supporters to donate in order to help me defray costs associated with conference reporting. I am hoping that, once again, my readers will consider donating – helping to continue making special conference reporting possible and keep Brave Hero Radio (costing $40/month) online. Your support is appreciated. Donate here.

From Brave Hero Radio:

Justin Vacula will be broadcasting live and on-the-scene from the Pennsylvania Counseling Association’s 2013 conference at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel in Stage College, PA. Coverage starts at 8PM Eastern on Saturday November 9.

Vacula will discuss his educational pursuits in Mental Health Counseling, comment on conference sessions — particularly those concerning religion, spirituality, atheism, and evidence-based counseling — and seek to include interviews.

As always, callers, no matter their viewpoints, are welcome to join the discussion. Call the number on your screen, 718-766-4598, or click the Skype-to-call button on the show’s page when the show goes live to join the caller queue.

Listen live, join the live chat, and use the same link following the live broadcast to stream and/or download the archived show.
Opening music is provided by Break music is provided by Phil Giordana.

Like what you hear? Please donate. Brave Hero Radio depends on support from listeners to remain online and continue offering unique live and on-the-scene conference reporting.


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