I recently appeared on the Virginia-based television show Road to Reason to talk about Stoic Philosophy and its practical applications to everyday life. Watch the clip!
Road to Reason – A Skeptic’s Guide to the 21st century — a long-running public access television show in Fairfax County, Virginia — recently had me as a guest on their show to discuss Stoic Philosophy. I chat for about fifty minutes talking about finding meaning in life, suicide, dealing with negative emotions, grief, acceptance, humility, moderation, anger, questioning societal trends & priorities in life, men going their own way (MGTOW), ethics, death, and other topics.
We also address whether Stoicism can be an alternative to religion and/or function as a philosophy of life.
My segment starts around the 9:35 mark in this YouTube video.
Alternatively, listen to the discussion with more information in podcast form:
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