33: Lew Hastings on Native American Culture

2 minutes, 14 seconds Read

I speak with Lew Hastings about Native American culture and its parallels to Stoic Philosophy.

The Stoic Philosophy Podcast explores the tradition of Stoicism with goals to inform, empower, and help others benefit from practical wisdom of Ancient Greek, Roman, and modern thinkers including Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca.

For the Stoics, a main focus is pursuing virtue to attain a well-examined life through practical applications of Philosophy – acting with good character, using reason to form accurate careful judgments about the world, and achieving contentment. Stoic writers focus on many perennial human concerns and urge people to take action applying what they learn to everyday life. Self-improvement is central to Stoic thought – strengthening and improving one’s mindset.

Lew Hastings has been the host of the Red Road Radio Show since 2014 and founder of the Native Now Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization that began in 2013. Lew has written for several publications including Gasparilla Magazine, North Port Magazine, Harbor Style, Native Hoop Magazine and has been published in Native News Online. He has studied Native American culture for well over 25 years and majored in Anthropology/Archaeology at Rutgers University where Prehistoric Native American was his primary focus.

Lew has visited various tribal nations for over 40 years while living in New York, Texas, Colorado, Florida and Pennsylvania. In the late 1990’s he moved to Sheridan Wyoming to be closer to the Crow Nation in Montana in order to more easily facilitate his research on the Little Bighorn Battle. He has family that lives on the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations and is working on a book recounting his journeys through Indian Country. Lew is currently studying treaties and tribal rights and is the only International Board member for Okiciyapi Tipi, a non-profit corporation located on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in Eagle Butte, South Dakota.

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