In this bonus episode, I respond to a listener who asks, “What responsibilities, if any, do we have to other people and our society? What about altruism and self-sacrifice?”
Episode summary: We can see ourselves as beings part of a greater whole concerned with having a positive impact on society being mindful of the consequences of our actions. We’re to take action in society for both the benefit our ourselves and others rather than being withdrawn from the world or learning for learning’s sake – we’re to apply our knowledge and skills.
There are many paths to benefiting others – we can question certain paths and make prudent decisions. Recognize that others, especially children, will model our behavior, so be a good role model while in society. Consider not only humans, but also animal welfare and in doing so have better health and participate in less harm to animals and the environment. Be careful with whom you associate. Select good friends and benefit from your interactions with others.
59: Responsibilities to Society and Other Beings by Justin Vacula on Scribd
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