Dr. Regan Lance Reitsma — Assistant Professor of Philosophy at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, PA — joins me to talk about similarities and differences between Stoicism and Christianity. We also talk about gratitude, prudence, integrity, humility, having proper perspective, goal-setting, minimalism, and finding meaning in life including one’s vocation.
He received a Philosophy Ph.D. in 2007 from The Ohio State University and obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from the departments of Philosophy and Classics from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He specializes in Moral Psychology; Practical Rationality and Practical Normativity; tolerance; and moral rights. He also includes Philosophy of Religion; ethical theory and applied ethics; social and political philosophy; Ancient Greek Philosophy; Hume and Kant; and sports in his areas of competency.
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Show Notes:
Dr. Reitsma’s Kings.edu page:
Dr. Reitsma’s Academia.edu page: