Episode 51: Is Jordan Peterson a Stoic?

1 minute, 49 seconds Read

Although Jordan Peterson does not consider himself a Stoic or mention Stoicism, there are many parallels between messages from Stoic thinkers and Jordan Peterson relating to getting one’s life in order; prevailing amidst suffering; capacity for people to strive towards the good; and questioning public opinion. 

I also talk about dissimilarities between Jordan Peterson and Stoic Philosophy focusing on his treatment of individuals and groups he disagrees with namely men going their own way (MGTOW) who he dubbed “pathetic weasels.” Ideas, too, concerning dominance hierarchies, a focus of Peterson’s work, are absent from Stoic texts.

Surely fans of Jordan Peterson’s work and even Peterson himself could benefit from study and application of Stoic Philosophy.

Peterson script by Justin Vacula on Scribd

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Show Notes:

Jordan Peterson YouTube:


Jordan Peterson Cathy Newman interview:


12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos:


MGTOW content creator SunriseHoodie:


MGTOW content creator huMAN:


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