FFRF news release

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The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has issued a news release on its website concerning the banner which was placed on Public Square in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Following in an excerpt from the news release. For more information, and for more about the Freedom From Religion Foundation, visit their website.

“It is our hope that one day government spaces will be free from religious — or irreligious — displays, but until then we will do our best to counter these unlawful displays and remind passersby of the ‘real reason for the season’ — the Winter Solstice,” said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.

“Christians don’t own the month of December,” added Co-President Dan Barker.

FFRF thanks local supporter Justin Vacula for his great help and initiative in getting the banner placed. Justin, a student, received a $250 honorable mention award from FFRF for his graduate student essay this year.

See all posts pertaining to the FFRF banner here:


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