My fundraiser — “Send atheist and secular activist Justin Vacula to 2014 Amaz!ng Meeting” — has reached 69% of its goal with 13 days remaining.
Thanks to funders John Bullock, Maja Leibovitz, Scott Van Hoosen, Philip Sipos, Michael K Gray, Sarah LaVorgna, Kay, and two anonymous contributors for donating to my fundraiser. Thanks to those of you who shared and talked about the campaign.
The support I have received has been tremendous. If you have not yet contributed consider donating and — if you cannot donate — please share the campaign to help me attend and report on the 2014 Amaz!ng Meeting. I am close to my goal of $1200 with $825 currently raised.
Many perks are still available. Dr. Peter Boghossian, author of “A Manual for Creating Atheists,” has pledged signed copies of his book to be offered as perks. Twitter shoutouts, signed postcards, bumper stickers, and the opportunity to select a t-shirt for me to wear on Sunday of the conference are still available.
Please support the James Randi Educational Foundation and my conference reporting.
View the fundraiser here.
Watch a video of my initial fundraising pitch below.