Philosophers Gregory Bassham, David Albert critique Lawrence Krauss’ ideas

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Dr. Gregory Bassham, chair of the philosophy department at King's College in Pennsylvania

Lawrence Krauss’ recent presentation at American Atheists’ 2012 convention has drawn the ire of philosophers and philosophically-minded persons who take contention not only with what Krauss refers to as ‘nothing’ in his recent book “A Universe From Nothing,” but also with his comments concerning philosophy.

Krauss, in his presentation, asserted that “philosophy is the field that hasn’t progressed in 2000 years whereas science has” and insisted this his definition of ‘nothing’ is correct while saying that philosophers “don’t understand.” Krauss also noted, “…what we mean by something and nothing has completely changed since the time the classical philosophers and theologians first raised the issue. This is an idea I can’t seem to explain to philosophers and theologians.”

Dr. Gregory Bassham — Chair and Professor of Philosophy at King’s College in Pennsylvania whose areas of specialization are popular culture and philosophy, philosophy of law and critical thinking — comments for this article.

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