Conversation with Escaping Atheism

I recently spoke with Max Kolbe, formerly known as Dean Esmay, of the Escaping Atheism project and recorded the discussion for public consumption. I hoped to host a discussion to discuss outright contempt Kolbe has for atheists, misconceptions I believe he has about atheists/atheism, and our philosophical differences. For instance, Kolbe has a strong distrust of […]

Talk: Stoicism and Humanism in the New Year

I recently addressed the Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia‘s 2016 Winter Solstice gathering offering short remarks about Humanism drawing on Stoic Philosophy encouraging people to think about the new year, reflect on 2016, and find meaning in life. The recording is here: View more videos in my Stoic Philosophy YouTube series: More information about my […]

Stoic Philosophy Video Series

I’ve been exploring works of Ancient Greeks and Romans under the umbrella of Stoic Philosophy and opted to start a video series following a discussion group I recently hosted with the Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia. My Stoic Philosophy video series explores the philosophical tradition of Stoicism with goals to inform, empower, and help others […]

An atheist’s thoughts on ‘God’s Not Dead 2’

‘God’s Not Dead 2,’ much like its predecessor ‘God’s Not Dead’ (read my thoughts on ‘God’s Not Dead’ here), advances the idea that contemporary Christians are persecuted for their beliefs largely by atheists in positions of power. Christians in ‘God’s Not Dead 2’ are painted as martyrs under attack who can lose everything as a result […]

2009 nativity controversy news footage

In December of 2009, I worked alongside the ACLU to remove unconstitutional religious displays on Luzerne County Courthouse grounds which would later be erected in a more inclusive holiday display. Unfortunately, many of the news articles and videos — to my knowledge — were taken offline, but a friend sent me a recording of one […]