Responding to criticism of church/state lawsuits

Brief thoughts concerning criticism of church/state lawsuits… I was recently involved in a discussion with a humanist who portrayed lawsuits that organizations advocating for the separation of government and religion file as heavy-handed and antagonistic toward religious individuals. I’ll explain that lawsuits are often filed as a last resort and that religious individuals should not […]

New Luzerne County Courthouse holiday display

This year’s holiday display on Luzerne County Courthouse grounds includes both religious and secular symbols. Five years ago, in December of 2009, upon first becoming involved with separation of church and state issues, I contacted the American Civil Liberties Union’s Pennsylvania chapter when I had seen a Christian display prominently featured at the Luzerne County […]

Collection of secular invocations

The Central Florida Freethought Community has collected several secular invocations on their website.  Following Greece v. Galloway, people of various religious and non-religious perspectives have petitioned government officials to be included as a part of meeting invocations. Meetings typically dominated by Judeo-Christian invocations have become more inclusive thanks to on-the-ground community activists. My June 12, […]

Vote Justin Vacula for best secular invocation

Vote for my secular invocation as the best of 2014 in the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s new annual contest! I have worked hard an activist for the separation of church and state for about five years — challenging local and state violations of church/state separation — by filing complaints, challenging government officials, participating in lawsuits, and taking […]