Vote Justin Vacula for best secular invocation

Vote for my secular invocation as the best of 2014 in the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s new annual contest! I have worked hard an activist for the separation of church and state for about five years — challenging local and state violations of church/state separation — by filing complaints, challenging government officials, participating in lawsuits, and taking […]

Secular invocation unworthy of coverage?

A recently published letter to the editor rebukes The Times Leader for front-page coverage of my secular invocation plans. I respond. On June 9, 2014, a local newspaper — The Times Leader — featured a front-page article in which I was interviewed concerning church/state separation and my plans to provide a secular invocation at a […]

Video of my secular invocation

I provided a secular invocation on behalf of the NEPA Freethought Society at the June 12, 2014 Wilkes-Barre City Council meeting. Following several objections to the government-led Judeo-Christian prayers at Wilkes-Barre City Council meetings [see my July 2013 speech and June 2013 speech], a letter to the editor published in a local newspaper, an appearance on […]

Newspaper interview about my upcoming secular invocation

I was interviewed for a front page feature length Times Leader newspaper article concerning my upcoming secular invocation and church/state separation. Last week — following my comments at a May 29, 2014 Wilkes-Barre City Council meeting and a press release announcing my intentions to provide a secular invocation at a June 12, 2014 council meeting […]

NEPA Freethought Society to deliver secular invocation at June 12, 2014 Wilkes-Barre City Council meeting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 1, 2014 Media Contact: Justin Vacula, justinvacula [at] NEPA Freethought Society to deliver secular invocation at June 12, 2014 Wilkes-Barre City Council meeting Wilkes-Barre – The NEPA Freethought Society — a social, educational, activist, and philosophical coalition of atheists, agnostics, humanists, secularists, and skeptics predicated on support and community which […]