CNN is not promoting ‘rape apology’ and ‘rape culture.’

Two teenage high school students from Steubenville, Ohio were found guilty of rape and will be labeled as sex offenders for life. Almost everyone who pays the slightest attention to social media and American national news is aware of the media coverage prior to the trial, the allegations (which led to convictions), and now reporting […]

Skeptech’s failure of a harassment policy

SkepTech — an upcoming Minnesota conference “all about the relationship between critical thinking and innovation” led by two campus student skeptic groups — has announced a harassment policy. I cannot fathom why conferences appealing to communities of humanists, skeptics, rationalists, etc. would need exhaustive guidelines for conduct to be spelled out and presented not only […]

Brave Hero Radio – Naomi Chambers

Naomi Chambers of Venture Philosophy joins Justin Vacula and Karla Porter for conversation. We will talk about feminism, whether patriarchy theory, ‘lazy blogging,’ Seth McFarlane/the Oscars, and drama in the online atheist/skeptic communities. If you miss the live episode — streaming March 16 at 11:30PM Eastern Time — please listen to the archived version within the following […]