Vote “Atheists” for billboard of the year

Hemant Mehta, the “Friendly Atheist,” has launched a year-end poll in which readers can select their favorite ‘atheist billboard’ of the year. Making the final cut of 18 billboards is a billboard I submitted to the County of Lackawanna Transit System (COLTS) in early 2012, on behalf of the NEPA Freethought Society, which was slated […]

Chill Girls in Pink Corvettes podcast appearance

I was invited to appear on episode two of the new “Chill Girls in Pink Corvettes” podcast with @reneehendricks, @woolybumblebee, and @jeh74 (‘Outwest’) to discuss secular/atheist activism and current controversy in the atheist/skeptic communities. How can people get involved in secular/atheist activism? How can people who shy away from controversy contribute? What sort of pushback […]

Conflation of criticism with mass murder – Freethought Blogs

One of the greatest barriers to having critical discussion with many religious believers — from my experience — is the meme that applying skepticism to religious ideas is rude, offensive, intolerant, and hateful. Rather than defending ideas or simply exiting the discussion, various theists have  objected to the discussion taking place and heaped abuse on the skeptic. […]