Travis Hume joins me to talk about applications of Stoicism in many areas of life including college and the workplace.
Travis Hume is the creator, administrator, and writer at He is 27 years old, and currently serves as a Special Education Paraprofessional. He aims to write full-time on the application of Stoic philosophy, and the restoration of its system.
My Stoic Philosophy series explores the tradition of Stoicism with goals to inform, empower, and help others benefit from practical wisdom of Ancient Greek, Roman, and modern thinkers including Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca.
For the Stoics, a main focus is pursuing virtue to attain a well-examined life through practical applications of Philosophy – acting with good character, using reason to form accurate careful judgments about the world, and achieving contentment. Stoic writers focus on many perennial human concerns and urge people to take action applying what they learn to everyday life. Self-improvement is central to Stoic thought – strengthening and improving one’s mindset.
Listen to my new Stoic Philosophy episode on SoundCloud.
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