More from Dr. David Kyle Johnson on Christmas

Johnson photographed with the Bellsnickle, a Pennsylvania Dutch holiday tradition

Dr. David Kyle Johnson — guest on the December 14, 2013 archived episode of Brave Hero Radio — continues to talk about Christmas.

This morning, Johnson published a piece on the London School of Economics’ website titled “Controversy over public religious Christmas displays in America is fueled by differing beliefs regarding Christmas and American history” in which he discusses the history of Christmas and separation of church and state.

From the article:

The so-called “War on Christmas” has become an annual feature of the holiday season in the U.S., with much of the debate centering around religious displays on publicly-owned property. David Kyle Johnson argues that this cultural conflict is fueled by disparate understandings of Christmas and American history between religious conservatives and secular progressives. He concludes that research into the pagan roots of Christmas, the founding of America, and legal precedent, shows that historical fact tends to fall on the side of secularists arguing against government-sponsored religious displays at Christmas.   

Johnson is also scheduled to appear on a live Huffington Post segment titled “The Truth About Kids and Santa Claus” broadcasting at 2:45 Eastern.

Enjoy and have a good holiday! As always, feel free to comment below.

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