New from Foundation Beyond Belief — a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation created to focus, encourage and demonstrate humanist generosity and compassion — the Pathfinders Project:
This year Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB) is sponsoring the Pathfinders Project, a year-long volunteer journey, taking four humanist volunteers across the world to work in education, clean water, human rights and construction projects, and to evaluate programs for inclusion in a future Humanist Service Corps (HSC).
The HSC will be a proud moment for all nonbelievers. Like the Peace Corps, the HSC will serve their fellowman in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries, but with more focus on encouraging and demonstrating the generosity and compassion of secular humanists.
Since FBB’s launched in 2010, we have raised over $400,000 to fight blood cancers through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We have raised close to a million in just three years to help other charities in the name of humanism.
What We Need & What You Get
Here’s where you come in. We need $16,150 more to fully fund the project. Here’s where your contributions will be going:
Travel: $4,000
Insurance: $1,000
Housing: $2,500
Food: $1,000
Project Donations (for construction materials, etc.): $6,250
Pathfinder Stipends: $400
Contingency & Misc $1,000
We’ve subtracted the $40,000 to be raised by the four Pathfinders and grants, leaving us with a $16,150 deficit.
In exchange for your generous donation, you will not only know that you are helping individuals in developing countries as well as our gratitude, you will also receive a little something depending on the amount you contribute. Check out the “perks”.
The Impact
The four Pathfinders will have a big impact on the areas that they are working in. Also, they are the pilot program for the Humanist Services Corps which will eventually become the largest volunteer services organization for secular humanists. The initial project has three primary goals:
1) complete clean water, education, and sustainability projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
2) engage in dialogue across religious, cultural, and ethnic boundaries.
3) assess countries and partner organizations with the ultimate goal of selecting one site for launching the Humanist Service Corps.
So far, FBB has been successful in its previous endeavors. We have raised tens of thousands of dollars for disaster relief efforts here and abroad. We have a continuously growing group of volunteers beyond belief and we are one of the LLS’ biggest contributors. All of this is done in the name of compassionate humanism.
Other Ways You Can Help
You might not have the money to contribute at this time but we still need your help! Please let others know about this great project and share the link to this page.