Atheist conferences should have speaker submissions

Atheist conference organizers should welcome speaker submissions to include new, more qualified speakers, a ‘fair playing field,’ and fresh content. There’s a glaring problem surrounding conferences in the ‘atheist community.’ Some people invited to speak at atheist conferences are grossly unprepared, unqualified, unprofessional, and over-represented. Speakers publicly solicit ideas for speeches days before events happen […]

Afterthoughts on “A Manual For Creating Atheists”

Dr. Peter Boghossian’s new book “A Manual For Creating Atheists” inspired deep reflection concerning the way I present myself when engaging in real-world activism, participating in formal debates, and challenging religious beliefs in face-to-face conversations. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the final copy of Dr. Peter Boghossian’s new book “A Manual for Creating Atheists” which I […]

BHR: Multiple fronts of activism

Justin Vacula — joined by Karla Porter — discuss multiple fronts of activism: atheism and advocacy for separation of religion and government. Should atheists who advocate for church/state separation forgo atheist activism to reach more people? What are the benefits of multiple foci? What are the drawbacks of multiple foci? Join Justin and Karla November […]

Why not just church/state separation?

Would my activism for separation of religion and government be more effective if I were to remove atheism from the picture? I have considered this question throughout my almost four-year-long efforts as an activist for the separation of government and religion…and as an atheist activist. I do not only challenge the constitutionality of particular laws […]

Conversation with #PCAC presenter Dr. Taunya Tinsley

While attending the 2013 Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference, I spoke with Dr. Taunya Tinsley concerning non-religious individuals in counseling, inclusive non-religious approaches to spirituality, LGBT individuals, and more. Enjoy! Stay tuned for more interviews, live-tweeting, and the Brave Hero Radio broadcast Saturday night at 8PM Eastern. As always feel free to comment. Please leave timestamps […]