The NEPA Freethought Society fundraiser to place a bus advertisement in Scranton, PA is a success!
Thanks to supporters who helped make the NEPA Freethought Society fundraiser to place a bus advertisement in Scranton, Pennsylvania a success. The ‘soft’ fundraiser goal of $235 was surpassed – the fundraiser reached $292 which will allow for payment of fundraising fees and a small contribution to the NEPA Freethought Society for future expenses including subscription fees for meetup.com.
This month, the NEPA Freethought Society advertisement is scheduled to appear on a County of Lackawanna Transit System (COLTS) bus. Updates, including photographs of the advertisement, shall be posted here. Thanks again for the support!
Learn more about the NEPA Freethought Society on its meetup.com website.
The NEPA (Northeastern Pennsylvania) Freethought Society is a social, educational, activist, and philosophical coalition of atheists, agnostics, humanists, secularists, and skeptics predicated on support and community which upholds the separation of church and state and promotes critical thinking.
As always, feel free to comment below.