First Amendment grinches steal, vandalize FFRF solstice signs

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Readers of my blog are well-aware that the FFRF’s “let reason prevail” holiday freethought banner which was placed on Public Square in Wilkes-Barre — following city approval — was vandalized by Joe McDonald who admitted to the vandalism in a local television news report and in an interview on local talk radio. In addition to admitting to the vandalism, McDonald was videotaped — within the news report — slicing two of the hopes holding the banner and placing an American flag in place of the banner.

Today, the FFRF issued a news release noting that three banners — in addition to the Wilkes-Barre banner — were tampered with in various ways by ‘First Amendment grinches.’ In Massachusetts, a banner was stolen. In Michigan, two banners were stolen.

Read more in the FFRF’s latest news release and stay tuned for updates concerning the Wilkes-Barre banner which, to my knowledge, has not yet been restored despite city officials being fully aware of the vandalism. Additionally, the vandal still has not been charged despite a police report that was filed on 12/20/12 and the public nature of the crime.

Read more about the Wilkes-Barre banner by viewing other posts concerning this matter on this website.

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