Herb Silverman, the president of the Secular Coalition for America and author of the autobiographical book “Candidate Without a Prayer,” was recently interviewed for episode 97 of the Angry Atheist Podcast hosted by Reap Paden.
Silverman discusses his book, his motivation for founding the secular coalition for America, separation of church and state, morality, what many atheists seem to agree on, and the virtue of working together in light of disagreement.
Past episodes of the Angry Atheist Podcast include guests D.J. Grothe, Todd Stiefel, Jerry DeWitt, Dr. Peter Boghossian, and many more. Considering listening to these and more in addition to the interview with Herb Silverman.
Each episode of the Angry Atheist Podcast includes an interview with an atheistic or agnostic individual who offers a different perspective in order to, as the mission of the show says, “try and remove some of the misconceptions many people have about non-believers.”