The upcoming Fitness For Faith fundraiser to be held at Wilkes University will include chiropractor Dan Golasczewski who promotes anti-vaccine sentiments and spinal adjustments for infants.
In 2011, I wrote in-depth criticism about local chiropractor Dan Golasczweski — owner of Power Chiropractic (now Power Chiropractic Health Center LLC) in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and published an interview I had with clinical neurologist Dr. Steve Novella who commented on Golasczweski’s claims about vertebral subluxations calling them “part of a pre-scientific superstitious belief system that has long ago been eclipsed by understanding of anatomy and physiology.” Novella also rebutted Golasczweski’s claims about “toxic medications” and alleged dangers of vaccines.
Following my criticism of statements Golasczweski made on his WILK Newsradio weekly program ‘Maximize Your Health,’ information distributed at his business, and content provided on his website, his significant other (now wife) Maria Favichia threatened me with legal action suggesting I was authoring “slanderous posts” about Golasczweski. She wrote, in an e-mail I received, “If the slanderous posts do not stop; He will be taking legal action.”
Since 2011, Golasczweski slightly rebranded his business removing the tagline ‘Aligning spines and lifestyles with God’s ultimate intentions’ from his storefront – a diversion from his [old] informed consent paper which read that his, “only practice objective is to eliminate a major interference to the expression of the body’s God-given, innate wisdom” and that his “only method is the specific adjustment of vertebral subluxation.”

Golasczweski, in his welcome video — no longer shown on the front page of his website, but still available on Vimeo — says his “mission is to set you free from whatever health struggle you may be dealing with” and that he wants to help you “gain victory over any health condition you may be suffering from including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, back pain, sciatica, fibromyalgia, and even weight loss.” As is usually the case with practitioners of so-called ‘alternative medicine,’ claims too good to be true are offered with no scientific backing whatsoever.
Perhaps the most alarming change to the front page of Golasczweski’s website is an image of an infant which says, “95% of infants have misalignments after birth,” seemingly encouraging people to bring their infants to Golaczweski’s business to have spinal adjustments. Throughout his website are messages “Chiropractic for all ages” and “chiropractic care for ALL AGES including children.” As one ought to expect, claims of chiropractic adjustments for newborns whose bodies are delicate and newly developing are specious and dangerous.
Golasczweski will soon be participating in an upcoming fundraiser dubbed ‘Fitness For Faith’ to be held at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA. This fundraiser, charging a hefty $21.99 for admittance through its corresponding Eventbrite site, will benefit the local National Day of Prayer Committee who organizes the annual Circle the Square With Prayer National Day of Prayer event on Public Square in Wilkes-Barre.
It’s unclear if Golasczweski will be distributing literature spreading messages encouraging people to abstain from vaccines, flu shots, or medications, but the event page says that presenters (presumably including Golasczweski) will be hosting informational tables.

Hopefully the National Day of Prayer Committee will disassociate itself with Dan Golasczweski and his harmful, pseudoscientific messages – especially in light of recent measles outbreaks — including one in Disneyland — almost certainly because of anti-vaccine messages like those put forth by Golasczweski.
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