Various guests have been added to the list of upcoming episodes on Brave Hero Radio – a live (and later archived) BlogTalkRadio show under the ‘atheism’ category hosted by Karla Porter and I in which discussion runs the gamut. Depending on the guest and episode, topics of discussion vary but usually include feminism, current events, controversy in the atheist/skeptic community, and interesting information about show guests.
The June 8 episode will be announced soon!
President of American Atheists David Silverman will appear on the June 15 episode at 8:00PM Eastern following a recent Twitter exchange we had concerning controversy, claims of harassment, and so much more in the atheist community. This episode promises to be a candid productive discussion. Silverman is the first person with whom I disagree to accept an invitation to appear on the show to talk about disagreement. Hopefully more of this will happen in the future.
Teresa McBain will appear on the June 22 episode at 8:00PM Eastern following discussion with Karla and I at Women in Secularism 2….and she will not be the only speaker from the conference who will be appearing on the show. Stay tuned!
I will be broadcasting live from Dublin, Ireland [times will soon be announced] reporting on events of the Empowering Women Through Secularism conference thanks to gracious donors! My fundraiser is close to its goal; $3001 of $3500 is raised. Please donate to the fundraiser if you can and promote if you cannot.
As mentioned on recent shows, a gracious anonymous fan of the show has volunteered to transcribe episodes and release the transcriptions to the public. More information will soon come.
Visit Brave Hero Radio’s BlogTalkRadio page to listen to past episodes and see a schedule of future episodes. Feel free to chat, call, and listen during live episodes to interact with the show hosts, guests, and fellow listeners!